Can You Register a Car Online in Michigan?

With the technological advancement of this era, there are many activities, duties, chores, and even official assignments that would have cost a lot of money, time, and energy to do in the past that can now be done with just a few clicks of the finger.

Some of them can even be done now with just one single click, or none at all, as in the case of voice instructions.

However, since you can register a car online in many states, is Michigan different? Can you register a car online in Michigan without going to the office of the relevant authorities?

No, you cannot registers a car online in Michigan but you can renew a car online in Michigan.

Can Cars Be Registered Online?

Yes, just like almost every other thing that can be done in the digital world of today, cars can also be registered online as long as such a state allows it.

All you need to do is get a hold of all the documents that are required to fill into the online form, go to the appropriate website and fill it all up in the online form that will be provided to you on the website.

Websites, where cars are registered, vary vastly according to state, so you need to ensure you have the right website for the right state.

Once you have all your required documents, registering a car online is one of the simplest things that you can do digitally.

So you don’t need to stress yourself, or waste a lot of time or energy by trying to locate the relevant office and going to and fro to register your car in any state that you are.

Can You Register a Car Online in Michigan?

Unlike in other states, you cannot newly register a car online in Michigan, but you can certainly renew an already registered car online in Michigan.

In the state, you have to renew your plates and pay registration fees every year, and this can be done online instead of going to the office again.

Although you also have the option to go to a self-service station to get it done on one of the computers, or you can go to any of the branch offices closest to you.

Another option is renewing or registering your card via mail. You send in all the required vehicle documents for registration. These documents are proofs that you own the car and you have all the correct information about the car.

In Michigan, there are loads of things you can do online where your car is concerned such as

  • You can request a plate, you can replace your car registration plate
  • You can request a disability plate
  • Do a duplicate registration
  • Replace your tab, and
  • You can even transfer a plate number to a new owner online

The digital space has provided a lot of opportunities to ease the pain of everyday individuals, and this has not excluded renewing a car online in Michigan.

What are the Requirements to Register a Car in Michigan?

Just like there are requirements to register a car at the branch office in Michigan, you also need certain things such as documents, receipts, identification cards, etc. to register a car online in Michigan.

Here are some of the requirements you would need for online registration. You must meet all these requirements before you proceed with the registration process.


  • A filled application form for Michigan Vehicle Title – This form must be thoroughly and accordingly filled by you. It is usually labeled “Form TR-11L”
  • Proof of vehicle ownership – You need a document that proves that you are the owner of the vehicle you are trying to register in Michigan. This could be the signed-over title of the vehicle if you have purchased it from a previous user, or registration from another state besides Michigan.
  • A valid identification card (ID) or proof of identity – This validates your identity and builds a valid connection between you and all the documents concerning the car you are registering. The ID could be your passport, driver’s license, or any other acceptable form of identification.
  • Proof of no-fault insurance issued from Michigan – You need to get a Michigan no-fault insurance from a Michigan insurance company unequivocally stating that the car has no-fault, is road-worthy and can be registered for use.
  • Proof of payment of other required fees and taxes – According to the authorities, you must have paid for a new license plate among other fees required for you to register your car.

How to Register Cars in Michigan

Again, you should note that if you want to newly register a car in Michigan, you cannot begin the process online. You have to visit the branch office of the US Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) if you are registering for the first time.

To newly register your vehicle in Michigan, here are the appropriate steps to take:

  1. You need to visit the nearest DMV branch office to you. You have to do this because you are registering newly. If you want the process to be swift and you don’t want to have to wait, you can make an appointment on the website, or by mail.
  2. Submit all the documents required to register your vehicle. Documents such as the filled application form, proof of ownership, proof of payments of other required fees and taxes, a valid identification card, proof of no-fault insurance, and any other required document as directed.
  3. Deliver your payment. This is called the car registration fee. You pay this to have access to the registration document.
  4. After payment, you are going to receive a temporary title and registration.
  5. You are also going to receive license plates.
  6. The final step is to receive your permanent Michigan vehicle title and registration through your mail at a later date.

Once you have registered properly, any other subsequent registration, form filling, or any legalities surrounding your car can be done online. The closest thing to registration is a renewal, which can be fully done online. When you want to renew your car registration online in Michigan, here are the steps to take:

  1. Visit Michigan’s DMV website and go to the vehicle registration online services.
  2. After that, you choose the type of vehicle you want to renew. There are different categories of vehicles to choose from.
  3. Input your license plate number that you received upon initial registration, the last four (4) digits of your vehicle identification number (VIN), and your relevant email address.
  4. Once that is done, the system will generate the amount of money you need to pay to renew your car’s registration.
  5. Pay the money the system generates.

Once the steps are completed, you have renewed your vehicle’s registration online, without leaving the comforts of your home. You can also do other things like transferring a plate, replacing a plate, requesting a duplicate registration, purchasing a recreation passport, and a lot more.

What Other Ways Can I Register My Car in Michigan?

Other than doing it online, there are several other ways you can register or renew your vehicle’s registration in Michigan.

1. Visit a DMV Branch Office

You can visit the Michigan DMV branch office close to you anytime you want to register or renew your car registration. You are also encouraged here to book an appointment to make it an easier and faster process.

2. Visit a Self-Service Station

You can visit an approved self-service station where you will receive appropriate help even while you do it yourself. You will also be opportune to print any temporary document you need

3. Registration by Mail

You can also send an email to seek directions and clarity on how to register your car. Operators are often kind enough to send a detailed process that would even help you do enough from the comfort of your home.

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